
Our comprehensive reagent portfolio allows for easy screening of relevant substances. Our complete line of assays, calibrators and controls enables implementation of an efficient drug testing system.


We develop and manufacture immunoassay reagents for drug screening in a variety of biological matrices, providing toxicologists with powerful, comprehensive drug testing solutions. 

oral reagents

Oral Fluid Reagents

Our comprehensive oral fluid reagent menu includes assays for illicit compounds, opiates, opioids, synthetic cannabinoids and other drugs. Provide reliable results with a broad menu while supporting the health and well-being of your patients.   

Urine Reagents

Our urine reagent products provide you with the accuracy, reliability and confidence you expect. Equip yourself with dependable results for urine screening, while supporting the health and well-being of your patients. 



Our Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) screening techniques are widely utilized by toxicologists to screen forensic specimens for drugs of abuse. These immunoassays are extremely flexible and have adequate sensitivity to detect the low drug levels found in most forensic matrices. Provide reliable results that your clients can trust with our dependable ELISA screening solutions.